Take This Fun Christmas Quiz!

Christmas is almost here. *Cough* 88 days, but who's counting! What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to test your knowledge of the festive holiday. How well do you know these answers?

Fun fact, did you know that nine in 10 Americans celebrate Christmas? (2017 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center) Everyone loves the white snow, colorful lights, cookies, and most important - time with loved ones. 

Enjoy this fun little quiz that we through together and get ready for Christmas with KOST. 

*Answer key will be at the end of the quiz 

1. What Christmas song do these lyrics come from? "Tis the season to be jolly"

(Deck the Halls, While Shepherds Watched, Jingle Bells, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)

2. Who is Ebenezer? 

3. Who wrote the song "Here Comes Santa Claus"?

4. Where was Mommy kissing Santa Claus?

5. Who tried to steal Christmas from the "Whos of Whoville" in the 1966 cartoon based on Dr. Seuss' Story?

6. What colors are the berries on Mistletoe?

7. Where was Eggnog created? 

(America, England, or Russia)

8. Which country does St Nicholas originally belong to? 

(Germany, Norway, or Russia)

9. What is a female turkey called?

10. What is the best-selling Christmas single of all time? 

(All I want for Christmas, White Christmas, or Last Christmas)

How do you think you did? A couple of the questions were a little tricky, but you're a Christmas expert right!? Check out your answers below and see your score. 

9-10 Correct: You absolutely live for Christmas time and no one can challenge you on your mastered skill

6-8 Correct: You sort of know your holiday, but you could do better! How about a refresher? 

3-5 Correct: Uh-oh, time to hit the books! 

1-2 Correct: Maybe it's time to call on Santa for a tutoring lesson before he sends you a piece of coal 

Answer Key: 1. Deck the Halls 2. The Scrooge 3. Gene Autry 4. Under the Mistletoe 5. The Grinch 6. White 7. England 8. Russia 9. A Hen 10. White Christmas

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