What Person Doesnt Like Pizza? A Weird-DOUGH

If you love pizza then this study is going to excite you! Psychologist Dan Ariely might just be initiated into the secret PIZZA SOCIETY after this (just kidding; not sure if one really exists). If you thought money was the biggest motivator for people, you have it all wrong, pizza took the PIZZA cake when compared. The study has shown that it increased productivity in the work place. A total of four groups were observed to support this claim. The first group was given a bonus of $30, the 2nd group was given another pizza, the 3rd group was given a compliment from their boss and the last group was offered nothing. For one week the groups were observed and it concluded that by promising pizza 6.7% of productivity from staff actually increased. No food coma here, regardless of the stigma there lay. So however you take your pizza, we approve even if you choose pineapple (although it's still debatable as topping). Cheers to pizza and it finally being found to be beneficial. I'm sure this made you hungry for pizza, so go order a hot pizza pie as they say.

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