A Global Advocate For Children With Shelley Callahan

Shelly Callahan, the Director of Development at Children Incorporated is an inspiring individual who lives out her passion day in and day out.

She started her career in the non-profit back in 2006.

She co-founded Books on Wheels, which provided free books to children in low-income neighborhoods across the U.S.

Then she expanded her work in the humanitarian sector by working with international aid organizations, taking her Colombia to dig wells, Haiti to manage medical teams, and Nepal and Uganda to provide clean water solutions to indigenous populations living in poverty.

Through her work with Children Incorporated, Shelly helped thousands of impoverished children in Asian countries such India as Sri Lanka, Africa, Latin America and the United States.

Since 1964, Children Incorporated extended its reach to over 250,000 children across 23 countries.

It provides impoverished children with basic needs such as food, clothing and educational support in an effort to break the cycle  of poverty and offer children a chance at a brighter future.

Callahan's central point of the mission is she shares with Children Incorporated is the life of charity isn't realizing the potential of her own goodness, but simply a way to facilitate and magnify the generosity of others.

Her job also means celebrating the recent accomplishments of Children Incorporated's successful community based projects, such as the recent effort to add seven classrooms to a school in Santa Cruz.

Shelly explains that each new project must be carefully planned and vetted before donors are approached for support.

Join Kari Steele as she talks to Shelly Callahan more about Children Incorporated and the impact it has on her life!

For more information, click here!

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