Trader Joe's Is Selling Heart-Shaped Chocolate Mousse Cakes For Only $4!

$4.00 Chocolate Mousse cakes?!

Yes, yes and yes!

New Year's Resolutions shouldn't start until after Valentine's Day.... especially with all these yummy treats that come out around this time.

Single or not, you can now enjoy one of Trader Joes "For The Love of Chocolate Cake" and the best part is that they will only cost you $4.00!

It's a 9.2 ounce dessert that includes two layers of rich dark chocolate cake a mousse filling and a chocolate ganache icing.

The cake is also decorated with cute little Valentine's Day designs.

They will only be available until the end of Feburary, so stock up while you can!


So all you Chocolate lovers out there.... will you be trying one of these?!

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