The Most Inspirational Graduation Speech

This video is so inspiring.

This man, Dr. Rick Rigsby, takes 10 minutes to tell an amazing story during a graduation ceremony speech.

He said the wisest person he ever met was a third grade drop out. That person just happened to be his father!

He mentions that he has four degrees, and his brother is a judge, but they're not the smartest member sin his family, his dropout father his.

In the speech Rigsby talks about how important it is to challenge yourself and make excellence a habit rather than an act.

While watching this, I heard so many good quotes and phrases to live by that I'm sure will stick with some of you.

Rigsby also shares a very personal story that tugged at everyone's heart strings. He shared that his wife and mother of his children had passed due to breast cancer. He then loops back to the story about his father dropping out of school. He said that it was his father's wisdom that kept him going.

His father asked him this same question, and Rigsby is now asking us to have a daily reflection and ask ourselves "How are we living?"

Pass this video along to recent grads!

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