Dad Loses His Life After Saving His Drowning Daughter

A true hero.

Thomas Zakrewski, a father died a true hero by saving his daughter's life.

Him and his family were visiting southwest Florida with his family, when he had to save his 8-year-old daughter's life.

His daughter was stuck in a rip current in the Gulf of Mexico when he went to go save her.

Sadly, he drowned to death.

Zakrewski was found Tuesday night.

Lee Country Sheriff's Office released a statement saying that he was walking with his wife and daughter alongside a curved sandbar on the shore.

His wife was walking ahead when she realized that her daughter and husband were struggling in the water.

She jumped in the water, only able to help her daughter who her husband passed along to her.

Thomas struggled and disappeared into the water.

When the Marine Emergency Response Team came through, they found Zakrewski.

Rip current deaths are very common in Florida. In the last year, 27 people drowned in the state's currents.

This year, now 12 people have died off Florida beaches in rip currents.

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