Driving Baby Around In Car Seat To Sleep May Be Dangerous

We’ve all done it.

Baby, for some reason, won’t sleep, but the minute you put them in their car seat and go for a drive, boom!

They’re out.Then the temptation is to carefully remove the seat, take them in the house and let them continue to snoozing in the car seat.

That could be dangerous.

Too much time in a car seat can cause problems.

Sitting at a 40-degree angle for as little as 30 minutes, one study has shown, can raise a baby’s heart and breathing rate and reduce blood oxygen levels.

The worry is that can lead to suffocation.

More studies need to be done but until then experts are recommending that if you’re on the road for long periods stop at least every two hours and give the baby a break from the car seat for at least 15 minutes.

Precious cargo indeed. Safe travels!

For more information on the story have a look here.

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