The ‘Friends’ Theme Song In Minor Key Transforms It Into A Profound Ballad

We all heard the sad news that was announced recently about the iconic show Friends leaving Netflix. I'm a huge Friends fan myself so this was so disappointing to hear!

One fan in particular, Chase Holfelder, was very distraught over the news, so he decided to perform the show's theme song as if it were an 80s ballad.

He posted the video on YouTube channel known as "Chase Again" and he wrote "In light of the terrible news that Friends will soon be leaving Netflix, I made a sad, minor-key version of the theme song."

Although this version isn't as catchy, wow is it impressive! And what a voice! He belted out the dramatic rendition of this song perfectly. It definitely sounds like it came out of a soap opera.

He's even wearing a "Central Perk" tee!

Watch the video below!

If you're a dedicated fan of the show, you can find it on HBO Max in 2020 as part of Warner's new streaming service.

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