Walmart Has A Kit To Make Cinnabon Rolled Pancakes!

We all know Cinnabon is famous for their cinnamon rolls and we LOVE them. We've seen them expand to also selling bread and muffins in grocery stores. And now, the brand has outdone themselves by introducing the ultimate breakfast that includes pancakes, icing, and hot cocoa!

Walmart is selling The Cinnabon Rolled Pancake Kit this winter. It's the perfect combination of the gooey deliciousness and the crunch of a cinnamon roll and soft, fluffy pancakes.

The kit contains mix to make cinnamon pancakes made with none other than Cinnabon Makara Cinnamon. Then instead of covering them in syrup, you'll mix up some frosting, spread it on the pancakes, and roll them up! Sounds like an easy way to make a cinnamon roll!

The kit also includes hot cocoa mixes and mugs that look like sweaters. Can this kit get any better? I don't think so! To top it off, It's all packaged up in chic blue and wrapped with a bow.

You can get your hands on one of these kits starting on November 1st at Walmart for just $12.98. It's the perfect gift to yourself, the family, or friends! And it's here just in time for the holidays!

Take a look below.

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