Krispy Kreme Releasing FREE Mini Doughnuts On Mondays?!

Why does this excite me so much? It's the first week of January! And let's be honest if I have a "mini" I'm not done at one. But anyways....

In their official press release, they said, "Too many people bail on their New Year's resolutions before they are even halfway through January... Sometimes a mini-indulgence, or cheat, is all you need to help you stick with it. So, we miniaturized our most popular doughnuts." So far, the minis are available in 4 different flavors- Original Glazed, Chocolate Iced Glazed, Chocolate Iced with Sprinkles and Strawberry Iced with Sprinkles.

And, to boot- they're GIVING AWAY free ones on Mondays in January! Details here. I need to stop writing now because ALL I WANT TO DO IS EAT DOUGHNUTS GOD HELP ME.

-Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

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