Demi Lovato Sings Raw, Emotional Ballad "Anyone" At Grammy's

I was really looking forward to Demi Lovato's performance at the Grammy's last night because I am a HUGE fan. I love her authenticity and courage- she ALWAYS keeps it real, both vocally and online; and to top it off she has SOME PIPES. Last night's performance was special, as it was the first time she's performed live since her overdose in 2018. I knew she was going to sing a "ballad" that she wrote 4 days before her overdose, but I didn't know what it was going to be called or how it was going to sound.

Holy S***. This song was a cry for help. It was so real, so raw, and so heartbreaking. With lyrics like, "A hundred million stories /a hundred million songs/ I feel stupid when I sing/ Nobody's listening to me/ Nobody's Listening/ I talked to shooting stars/ But they always get it wrong/ I feel stupid when I pray / So, why am I praying anyway?/ If nobody's listening" you can FEEL her pain, her hurt, her desperation. She even had to start the song over as she started crying at the beginning.

Listen to the song below, and watch part of her performance. I can't even believe the courage of this woman. She vowed, while in treatment, if she ever got the chance to perform on a big stage again, her first song would be "Anyone." And she kept her promise.

Sending so much love to her, and also to ANYONE who's trying their best to battle their inner demons and love themselves. It's the hardest work you'll ever do in life, but the most rewarding.

-Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

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