Tips From A Sleep Dr. On How To Stop Anxiety From Keeping You Up At Night

Is stress and worry keeping you up at night? It’s important to get a good night’s sleep to stay healthy.

I have a few tips from a psychologist and a sleep to share to help you get quality sleep:

1.Make wake and sleep times ritualized and routine - Having regular routines is crucial for easing stress and anxiety. Sleeping in will only make things worse and she advises not getting into bed until.

2.Take a conscious break from the news cycle before bed - The blue light from screens has a negative effect on sleep, too! You should cut off the news and screen time at least an hour before bed and limiting news exposure to an hour a day.

3.Remind yourself of the present, and to not worry about the unknown future - It’s easy to get caught up in “runaway thoughts,” but try to remind yourself that no one knows how things are going to turn out. Uncertainty can be unsettling, but acknowledging it and telling yourself that even though it’s hard right now, you’re going to make it through.

This is great advice! I hope this helps you feel at ease and get a great night's rest!

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