Gwenyth Paltrow's Daughter, Apple, Just Turned 16!


I'm not even a mom and I see this picture and think, "Where did the time go??" But mostly, I think, "Holy sh**, I'm old." Hah!

That being said, Apple is absolutely gorgeous and this post was so, so sweet. Her mom Gwenyth wrote a sweet tribute for her 16th birthday, saying, " I can't believe I'm actually writing these words but....happy sweet sixteen my darling girl. You are the light of my heart, you are pure joy. You are wickedly intelligent and you have the best, most dry, most brilliant sense of humor. I have the best time being your mom."

Apple was born in May, 2004 (again, wasn't that like 5 years ago?) and her brother, Moses, was born in 2006. Their dad is the amazing Chris Martin!

Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

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