Which Wine To Pair With Your Favorite Comfort Foods

Some days it's fun to put your cooking to baking skills to the test and try out a new recipe. But at the end of a long day, there’s nothing like enjoying your favorite comfort food with a drink.

If you’re not sure which bottle of wine to pop open to pair with your meal, here’s a wine pairing guide of what to sip on with the most common comfort foods:

  • Pizza: with Sangiovese-based red wine.
  • Burgers: if you're grilling them up yourself, pair it with an oakey red, like a zinfandel. If you're bringing home delicious In-n-Out, cabernet sauvignon is your go to.
  • Chinese food: a vibrant fruit palate to balance out the salt, like a dry Italian white.
  • Mac n cheese: enjoy it with a chardonnay or a rosé.
  • Tacos: For this, it depends what your fillings are. If it’s a ground beef taco, pair it with a cab. But if it’s something lighter like chicken or fish, pour a glass of sauvignon blanc.
  • Sushi: A bright and floral wine with hints of tropical fruit. Try a Vermentino to enhance your sushi's flavor.
  • Grilled cheese and tomato soup: Chardonnay, especially if you use sharp cheddar.
  • Charcuterie board: A good Merlot!

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