'Psychic Artist' Draws Pictures Of Your Future 'Soul Mate' For $30

So your may not have actually met your soulmate yet…but a physic artist can draw them up for you on paper!

The Psychic Artist is an anonymous person with a shop on Etsy who claims to have the ability to draw the physical appearance of your “soul mate!”

The anonymous artist says “My drawings are very realistic and accurate. This service will bring a reflection of whom you are going to marry, describing and drawing the physical appearance of your Soulmate!”

Some people have said that it was “shockingly accurate,” others seem skeptical, and the rest are excited to see if it comes true!

So if you want to try it out, proceed with caution! They were charging $33.61 but the price may have increased by the time you check out their Etsy page. The sketch will be delivered to you within 24 hours!

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