Woman Asks Where To Meet Single Guys On Twitter- Now Engaged!

Omg I'm obsessed with this story!!

3 years ago, a woman named Katie tweeted, "Asked the married guys at work where to meet single guys. Here's what they came up with: 1) strip club, 2) any bar at 1:30am."

That's when Terry responded back to her and said, "Twitter", to which she replied, "Literally the worst answer." (Something I would have said 100%. I am CONSTANTLY creeped out with almost every guy that interacts with me on Twitter) So, Terry gave her MORE suggestions.....about 10 of them, including the gym, Blockbuster video (RIP), DMV, a museum, etc. And Katie (like me) seemed even more annoyed, and said, "THESE ARE TERRIBLE BUT TWITTER IS STILL WORSE.)

That's when they started having a little bit of a conversation, where Katie confessed guys don't approach her, and how she constantly feels like the funny-friend, but never the "lead." (Again, are she and I soul-sisters??) And after several helpful, supportive responses, Terry SLID INTO HER DM'S AND THAT'S WHERE IT ALL STARTED!!!

Now, they are happily engaged. I am so happy FOR them! Check out their pictures below. Did you meet your significant other on social media? I'd love to hear the story!

Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

Image courtesy of Getty Images

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