Patron the mine-sniffing pooch received a medal from Ukrainian President Zelensky. The Two year old Jack Russell was recognized for his bravery and for helping Ukrainian forces locate explosivses.
The medal was awarded to the Terrier for his military service, in detecting more than 200 explosives. The award was given to the pup during a news conference with Canadian prim minister Justin Trudeau. Patron which means cartridge is a symbol of Ukrainian patriotism. He barked and wagged his tail as he received his award, Trudeau patted his pockets in search of a dog treat.
'Today, I want to award those Ukrainian heroes who are already clearing our land of mines,' Zelenskiy said in a statement after the ceremony.
'And together with our heroes, a wonderful little sapper - Patron - who helps not only to neutralize explosives, but also to teach our children the necessary safety rules in areas where there is a mine threat.'
Patrons Owner was also given an award in Civil Protection Service.
We first met our four legged hero back when destruction first broke out in Ukraine, charming the soldiers as he helped clear explosives. He was known as the mascot of the group and would get belly rubs and treats of cheese at the end of the day to reward him for all of his hard work.
'Thank you, friend, for your tireless work!'
'So be aware, look under your feet and do not upset Patron.
Since he made his debut he has gained some fans of his bravery and heroism.
Friends, we really want to show you a few more Ukrainian talents,' the emergency services said.
'Our brave baby Patron has inspired an incredible number of talented artists and we are incredibly happy about it.
'This motivates us not to give up, no matter how hard it is, to keep the bar high and to go into battle with new strength, knowing how many people are still waiting for help and how many people believe in us.
'Our Patron also does not lower his paws and conveys his gratitude to everyone. Great heroes are not necessarily great.
'Therefore, believe in your strength, in our defenders, in our victory. Approach it on all fronts wherever you can and do not slow down.'
Check out these videos of Patron receiving his award and one of him in action.
Thank you for your service.