Not All Heros Wear Capes: Family Finds Creative Way To Help Son Thru Chemo

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Not all hero's wear capes, meet the family who is their sons real life super hero as he under go's chemotherapy

Leone is 3 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia, and after starting his treatment his parents came up with a creative way to help him through the difficult treatments. He loves superhero's especially spider man

"Leone was having frequent nosebleeds. At first, we thought it was because of a fall he had while playing, and we took him to the doctor. The doctor told us there wasn't anything to worry about, but the nosebleeds didn't stop," his mother Natalia shared in an interview with the medical center. "We returned to the pediatrician and were referred to Children's Health."

After the visit to Dallas hospital the family was told the unthinkable. Leone would have to start treatment immediately.

To help uplift his spirits the family would dress up as his favorite superhero's with every hospital visit.

"We believe we have the superpowers that we need to face this battle," Natalia told the outlet. "We do it to make sure he feels the power."

The credit for this creative idea has to Dad, he was the brains behind the idea.

"The first time, I said to my husband, 'Do I really have to wear this? I don't know about this.' But he insisted that it would help Leo," she said in an interview with Children's Medical Center Foundation. "Now, Leo feels powerful and strong as he walks into the hospital. Most of the people at the front desk know us as 'the dress-up people' and will offer to take our photo." 
"The costumes helped turn around Leo's outlook on the situation. And they make other kids in the hospital smile, too," she added. "We'll hear them say, 'Look, mom, that's Superman.' " 

Despite going through a tough time, Leone has be really brave through this whole process.

"Living these type of battles, they're really hard, but they're not impossible," Natalia told NBC affiliate KXAS-TV. "Leo is a superhero for us."


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