Gorilla At South Carolina Zoo Has Some Smooth Moves

Photo: Getty Images

A Tiktok was going viral over the weekend taken from a South Carolina zoo. Tina Flick was capturing the gorilla's in their habitat not expecting what was coming.

The Tiktok has over 75 million views. It starts normal, gorillas in their habitat when what seems to be the biggest gorilla of them all slides through the opening and faces his but towards the camera.

The gorilla weighs over 396 pounds and goes by the name of Cenzoo. The 26year old gorilla looks as if he is about to smash through the glass.

“That scared the heck out of me.”

What a way to make an entrance, he also strutted away back into the opening looking back at Tina with a look of ,

“yeah, I just did that look”,

He definitely slid into that one. After watching im sure you'll agree he is the smoothest gorilla on the internet.


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