6 Texts That Are So Annoying You Probably Won't Get A Text Back....

Oh I LOVE lists like these! A new survey found 6 texts that you should NOT send someone....if you want a text back. Here they are:

1) "Hey stranger."

2) "WYD." (Short for "What You doing?" I mean....can you at least commit to a full SENTENCE?)

3) "How are you? What are you up to? Doing anything this weekend?" Way, way too many questions.

4) "Just saying hi!" Not engaging or asking any real questions....

5) "Send a pic." Without a message or context, this just looks creepy.

6) "Hello...?" If you've texted a couple times and no response, and then text this, it's likely not going to help,

Got one to add? Let me know!

Sandy (@SandyStec on socials!)

Photo: Getty Images

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