Dad Interviewed Daughter on First Day of School Every Year

A dad finally shares videos of every interview of his daughter on her first day of school every year until her final year of high school.

Ray Petelin had an idea to ask his little girl, Elizabeth, a series of questions at the start of each new school year to see how her ambitions would change over time.

In 2012, while Elizabeth waited for the bus to take her to kindergarten at five-years-old, Ray asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up.

In the new compilation video, Elizabeth's answer changes over the years from doctor to teacher, magician to waitress, and from heart surgeon to physical therapist.

“She did say magician one year, but I knew that wasn’t going to last.”

Now, the 47-year-old TV meteorologist shares the final video.

“I put this together late at night so no one would be around,” Ray admitted. “Because I was just bawling the whole time.”
“I looked back at the first video, and it still feels like it was yesterday.
“I wanted to show her (the video) when she is a senior—and as she is now a senior, this will be the last one—but I will certainly get one when she moves into her own place.”

Ray’s video below was posted on Facebook and Twitter/X where it got over 50 million views and led to many TV interviews on major networks including his own station, KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh.

“Parents have commented on the video saying that I should be ‘Dad of the Year’.”

The idea has inspired parents to start doing same thing with their own school children.

Source: Good News Network

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