Hidden Cash in the Denver-Boulder Area Up For Grabs

A man from the Boulder-Denver area is spreading his generosity by doing a scavenger hunt to get people outdoors to have some fun!

He refers to himself as “Miracle Man," and hides money around different Colorado cities, makes Instagram posts, and waits for his followers to find it.

Miracle Man said he created the page to give back to his community and bless people.

“It brings people together who may unlikely come together. It’s every walk of life: young, old, kids, families, partners. Bring them all together to get outside and stay active,” he said.

Miracle Man uses his own cash for the game and always includes a $2 bill in the prize for good luck.

Denver7 followed him as he hid $102. His followers found the location in Denver and came out to search for the cash that was found within minutes.

Michael Ellis who found the money said it was his second time finding the prize, and he plans to use the money for bills and groceries.

Ellis said the way to finding the money is turning on Instagram or TikTok notifications and getting out to the location right away.

Followers who find the money must send a video proof of their discovery to the handle @miraclemancash on Instagram and TikTok. The video is then posted so no one is searching for money that isn’t there.

Source: Denver7

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