Spring has officially sprung, and slowly but surely, bright colors are coming back to our surroundings. Did the moon look especially full last night? If so, you’re right. The “Pink Moon” is here!
The first full moon of the spring is called the Pink Moon. It's named after the ground phlox, which is a pink wild flower that blooms in early spring. Ironically, the moon won’t actually be pink. But the 2017 Pink Moon is still a special one.
According to EarthSky.org: “This year, in 2017, the full moon celebrates the change of seasons by pairing up with the dazzling planet Jupiter. Jupiter, in turn, stays in front of the constellation Virgo until November 2017. So even though the moon will leave Virgo after a few more days, Jupiter remains in the vicinity of Spica, Virgo’s brightest star, for months to come.”
The Pink Moon reached peak fullness around 11 o’clock last night, but will still be visible tonight. Sounds like it’s worth seeing! Be sure to check it out.