Awww! Dad Gets Tattoo Matching Son's Burn Scars

I totally cried watching this video- what an incredible gesture of love this father did for his son! Joel Thomas, of Missouri, recently got a tattoo that matches his son's burn scars. "It represents- no matter what happens in life-you can't break the bond between a father and a son, " he said.

A little over a year ago, his 9 year old son Landon fell into a bonfire and had severe burns all over his leg. He was released from the hospital after 2 weeks, but the pain and scars remained. 

"You never want to see your kid go through pain of any kind," he said, "but to see your kid go through that is unexplainable."

His son Landon said, "I think it's cool because now when kids mess around with me, I say 'you want to mess to with me, mess with my dad. He's got the same thing."  

Read the full story here and watch their video, below.

- Sandy (@SandyStec on FB, IG and Twitter)

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