The Health Effects On Your Body Due To The Time Change

Went back an hour on Sunday as we entered Daylight Savings Time, and although that extra hour of sleep may have helped a little, experts say the new time change will have a big effect on our health the next few months:

Your sleep will suffer: Depending on the person, it can take up to a week to adapt to the time change and that means a possible lack of sleep. If your body is used to waking up at 7 every morning it’s likely you will wake up at 6 after the time change, but lose an hour of sleep because you stayed awake an hour later.

You will be a little fuzzy: For the first week after the time change expect to have trouble focusing and staying sharp at work – sleep deprivation can make us feel fuzzy.

Your seasonal depression can get worse: Fewer daylight hours is a trigger for many people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which can make the winter months very difficult to navigate.

You go into hibernation mode: Instead of going to the gym or out with friends after work, people go home because it's dark out. Getting out of your routine is bad for your mood and your health. You don’t want to avoid working out and having fun. 

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