Thank you LA for opening your hearts to give back to Children's Hospital Los Angeles!
For the second year in a row we teamed up with CHLA for our Giving Tuesday fundraiser. Our goal was initially to raise $30,000 to benefit the hospital's Helping Hands Fund which ensures that every patient at CHLA gets the care that they need. Longtime CHLA supporter, Heidi Klum, helped our efforts by promising to double every donation we received.
We are very proud to announce that we surpassed our goal - we have helped raised a total of over $148,000 and counting!
Our work is not over! You can still make a donation to help even more kids! Any amount is appreciated! Just click the button below to donate.
On Tuesday, November 28th (known as "Giving Tuesday"), we took over the CHLA lobby for a live broadcast. We had tons of visitors stop by including patients and their families, hospital employees, KOST listeners and more. Listen to the full show, here on the Ellen K Morning Show podcast:
Our first visitor was Ellen K's son, Calvin, who showed up before school with a giant check for $2,000. Calvin spent the year fundraising with his friends by selling old toys and gadgets that they they weren't using anymore. This was such a touching mother-son moment!
Children's Hospital of Los Angeles CEO Paul Viviano stopped by to chat with Ellen K and Ryan. We can't thank him enough for letting us take over the CHLA lobby! Hear Paul explain the many ways that CHLA and its staff bring hope to children everyday.
Ellen K and Ryan also spoke to Sr. Public Information Officer/Project Manager, Monica Rizzo. She's the person who makes all of this happen!
We love to see kids helping other kids! The Tournament of Roses’ 100th Rose Queen, Isabella Marez, sat down to tell us about her work as a CHLA junior ambassador.
Little Shira Josephson has a huge heart! She wrote a book called The Girl On The Subway and is donating all of the proceeds from her book to CHLA. You can buy a copy of her book at
Have we mentioned that we have the BEST listeners! Don from Glendale, an Army veteran, was listening to the Ellen K Morning Show during his morning commute and decided to stop by CHLA to make an in person donation.
Check out photos from our Giving Tuesday broadcast at Children's Hospital Los Angeles!
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