Karen Sharp

Karen Sharp

Listen to Karen Sharp on KOST 103.5 FM weekdays from 7pm-12am!Full Bio


This Cheeseburger Candle Smells Like A Big Mac!

We all know and love the smell of a Big Mac. The good news is that you can now smell the mouth watering scent whenever you like without indulging in the calories.

An Australian retailer called Grey Lines has created a cheeseburger-scented candle and named it "The Maccas Run" which is the AU McDonald's name. The scent is definitely authentic with its hints of bun, beef, ketchup, mustard, onion, pickle and cheese.

To top things off, it has a 30-hour burn time and only costs $22 USD! The sad news is that it is currently sold out. But don't worry, Grey Lines is restocking it within weeks!

Is it cruel to tease yourself with the scent of a non-existent cheeseburger? Or will it help you to not run and go get one because the smell is enough to satisfy your craving? If we can't eat and enjoy them, smelling them is better than nothing!

If fast food and cheeseburgers aren't your thing, there's a line of other food inspired aromas such as bacon, garlic bread and many more. Each room of your home could smell like a different dinner course!

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