Many question what one is going to give up during the time of lent, But this Tri-state man knew exactly how he was going to play it. He was sticking to a Liquid diet, and not just any liquid but mans favorite "Beer"
Del Hall is no stranger to this type of fast. This is his annual tradition during lent, its his fourth year completing the liquid diet. Hall says its all about renewal.
“It’s a way to get back into a healthy mindset, to look at food in a healthy way,” Hall said. “I decided I’m going to turn this into a beer diet to show people that you can use beer in a healthy way and not vilify it as this evil alcohol.”
One would think he wouldn't lose any weight but at 31 days in he is already down 25 pounds. Hall mentions it does get boring drinking the same beer so he changes it up according to what he's craving.
He is also taking doctors orders by having a daily multi vitamin as well as staying hydrated with H20.
Medical doctor Dr. Steve Feagins, Chief Clinical Officer of Mercy Health Cincinnati, said a “beer diet” isn’t something that he would recommended.
“There are famously liquid diets of all types. You don’t see any books about the beer diet. It’s not sustainable. Thankfully this is a Lent thing. Not a forever thing. Certainly not going to become a best seller book.”
Feagins said it’s important to know the difference between moderate and excessive drinking.
The “Ohio Beer Fasting Man” is actually doing this for charity. This year he is doing it to help rise funds for Ken Anderson Alliance which is a organization that helps those with physical disabilities, a cause that hits close to home.
“I have a 15-year-old daughter who has cerebral palsy," Hall said. "Even though she’s a juvenile now, she’ll be an adult with a disability. The Ken Anderson Alliance is an amazing foundation that supports adults with disabilities. I feel like someday my daughter will want to use these services that Ken Anderson provides."
With $5000 already raised, he plans on closing out the beer fast at a local Brewery event April 24th with opes to raise $25,000 for the organization.