Karen Sharp

Karen Sharp

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See The Full Flower Moon Tonight

The Flower Moon will bloom in the night sky tonight and charm the world for the next two days.

The full moon was seen starting this morning at 9:35am ET and will reach its peak 50 minutes after the sun goes down.

The term 'flower moon' also marked the beginning of the Reign of Terror against the Osage Nation in the 1920s when white men murdered members of the tribe to inherit their oil assets.
The Flower Moon coincides with the flowers blooming in May, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac. 
And it is also called a 'Mother's Moon', 'Milk Moon' or 'Corn Planting Moon.'
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, moonrise will happen by roughly 8:35pm ET Thursday, crossing the meridian at 1:14am before setting at 5:46am on Friday morning.

Skygazers were able to preview the Flower Moon last night when it rose just a few minutes before sunset - Americas should focus to the east to see it.

But the main event will take place on tonight when the moon appears next to Antares, which lies about 600 light-years from Earth - one light year is about five trillion miles.

The star is running out of fuel so it is nearing the end of its life.

Once that happens, Antares will be destroyed and become supernova - the powerful and luminous explosion of a star.

So take advantage tonight -- go outside and enjoy the beautiful moon.

Source: Daily Mail

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