Karen Sharp

Karen Sharp

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49 Ways To Cheer Someone Up

When your friend or someone you care about is feeling down, it's natural to want to bring their spirits back up.

Well, here are 49 simple ways that can inspire you to do that.

First off, you may want to ask them if they want help since not everyone will welcome it.

Dr. Susan Edelman, who has spent 30 years as a practicing therapist in Palo Alto, California specializing in women’s issues, says, “it's important to get someone's permission to cheer them up. Otherwise it might feel to them like you're uncomfortable with how they feel and just want to make it go away. That isn't as likely to work to cheer them up.

Sometimes all someone wants is a listening ear without judgement. Fair enough. So just listen while they talk.

To get over breakups, a death in the family, or other serious incidents, people need time. "The best thing you can do to help them heal is to be there. Connect with them, give your time and energy without expecting anything in return. Patience is a virtue when it comes to grief," says Kelly Morrow-Baez, a licensed professional counselor.

This is a simple, but very nice gesture. Take them out for ice cream. After all, a nice rocky road ice cream will certainly put a sweet pause when someone is having a bad day.

Cook a nice meal. A homemade dinner prepared with love and just having a meal with friends is heartwarming.

"Cooking and eating with family and friends promotes bonding and studies show, also, overall happiness," says Danielle Hamo, a registered dietician and licensed nutritionist. If you can, go for a healthy meal full of nutrients to help nourish your friend
"When most people are down, the low energy that impacts their body has them reaching for quick energy. This often equals lots of sugar and junk food," says Dr. Watts. Why not try a roast chicken? It’s way easier than it sounds, and you both will feel a great sense of accomplishment when that gorgeous golden bird comes out of the oven. Add brown rice and farm-fresh veggies to the mix and you'll have one satisfying and healthy meal!

Workout together. How about taking a class, one they might like or have been wanting to take. There's yoga, meditation, kickboxing, dance classes... The list goes on.

"Studies show just one in four teen girls get enough exercise. Scientists estimate that every 60 seconds of exercise adds a whopping seven minutes to our total lifespan," says Joshua Duvauchelle, a health writer and certified personal trainer based in British Columbia. There is a lot of information out there on how exercise makes us happier but Duvauchelle says that the "anti-stress, mood-boosting effects kick in after just the first five minutes of exercise." So, get up and shake something!

So, you just read four great ways to cheer someone up. To get the remaining 45, click on the link below.

Source: Teen Vogue

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