Photo: Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images
A Massachusetts man has spent the last eight years paining and selling over a thousand birdhouses. Jared Corbett was born with Down Syndrome and always has had a passion for art. His dad says his son has worked at a couple of fast food chains before landing a cart boy job at Lee's Market in Westport. Corbett has now worked here for 23 years and it has changed his life. The sales continue to grow as many people in the community support "Birdhouses By Jared". Every Sunday, Corbett buys houses from Michael's then paints each one. His dad helps afterwards fixing any necessary lines. The artist sells each birdhouse for $19.99 which he is currently saving. Corbett plans on making a donation to the California fire victims. Below is the video to meet Jared.
Source: 10WJAR