Photo: eric1513 / iStock / Getty Images
About 35 years ago, Shawn Moyer asked someone to his high school prom but was turned down so needed a backup date. Elena Hershey was there for him then, and is here for him now years later as a kidney donor. Shawn's wife has already donated a kidney so Elena once again saved him as his backup. Hershey now lives in Colorado when she heard about Moyer's story from a mutual friend back in Pennsylvania where they originally met. She decided to reach out to see if they would be a match. The two weren't qualified to share organs but through a program at the University of Pittsburgh's Medical Center, Moyer was able to be put ahead in line for a kidney transplant in exchange of Hershey's donation. Because of her contribution, Moyer was able to get his matched kidney quicker than normal. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, about 90,000 Americans are waiting for a kidney transplant with almost 11 people dying each day while they wait for one. Majority of healthy people can live a normal life with one kidney but it is a big ask so Hershey's donation was selfless and special. Below is a video on the inspiring story.
Source: GOOD