Photo: meaghanbrowning / RooM / Getty Images
A school bus full of dogs? What more can you ask for! Hope Mehlberg would casually take her dogs for a walk after work. But now, she has a full-time doggy day care service using a school bus to transport the them. Mehlberg is from a small town in Wisconsin and says she would get home from work around noon every day. After taking two of her own dogs, she began walking her in-law's dogs as well.
One day Mehlberg and her husband were eating lunch when they heard a dog crying. They went outside to find a German Shepherd who was in a car accident. She helped the owner and took their dog to an animal hospital about an hour away for emergency surgery. The German Shepherd had a collapsed lung and other injuries taking more than a month to recover. Once healed, he joined Mehlberg's daily walks.
After deciding to start a part-time business, Mehlberg got a new car to hold more of the dogs. Word began to spread and more owners were reaching out to her to add their dog to the list. In 2023, she decided to leave her day job and created K9 Konvoy when she got a bus. She now transports 22-26 dogs each day picking each one up, taking them to the park, and getting to socialize with one another. The park is owned by Mehlberg's family so they helped clean the area and make improvements for the dogs including toys and tire swings. She runs this business completely on her own from driving the dogs to running the social media accounts. She says this is the best job she's ever had. Click here to see the video of the bus!
Source: USA Today