Photo: Piotrekswat / iStock / Getty Images
A teacher from Pennsylvania is creating a devastation into acts of kindness. Kristina Ulmer lost her sister in 2014 to a car accident. Katie was finishing up her restaurant shift before the tragedy happened. Kristina decided to hold onto her cash tips and turn it into something positive. Twice a year she gives each of her students a $20 bill and challenges them to do something kind with it. From making blankets to donate at dog shelters, to buying and handing out donuts randomly on the streets, her students fully embrace the challenge. Kristina started to do this back in 2018 and since the deed has grown within the community. There's a page on PledgeCents where people donate money to help keep the tradition alive to honor Katie and spread random acts of kindness. Kristina's goal is to raise enough money to start a foundation under her sister's name to give teachers the ability to do the same challenge.
Source: ABC