Kari Steele

Kari Steele

Listen to Kari Steele on KOST 103.5 Los Angeles from 10am-3pm on iHeartRadio. Full Bio


Heinz Just Released Ketchup Flavored Truffles!

We all know that Ketchup can go on pretty much anything and everything.

But chocolate and ketchup? I don't know about that. Heinz in the UK just announced that they teamed up with the store Fortnum & Mason to create a limited edition "ValenHeinz" Tomato Ketchup Truffles.

These treats are described as tangy but smooth. You'll get the taste of Heinz Tomato Ketchup in every bite!

Hm, these wouldn't be my first choice. Each box comes with nine truffles that come in milk, dark and white chocolate that will cost you $25.00

Would you ever try these?

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