If you saw this sign at work, how would you feel?
This sign was shared in an anonymous Reddit thread. It starts off (in all caps) "WORK IS NOT MEANT TO BE FUN." Then continues: “This is your job. Do not dedicate work time to discussion of non-work topics. Do not facilitate friendships during work hours, exchange phone numbers, and/or hang out after work is complete. Reach me at (x phone number) if a co-worker is having non-work discussions on company time."
At the bottom was a graphic of a minion from the "Despicable Me" franchise and the words, "Work is not your day care."
Obviously, a lot of people were HEATED after seeing this! It got almost 25K comments in the first day it was posted, and was shared many times. How do you feel about the boss's message?
-Sandy Stec (Afternoons on KOST 103.5, @SandyStec on socials!)
Photo: Getty Images